miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2013

Inca Trail

43 kilometers of walking by a way built by the incas. The trekking starts at Qorihuayrachina and it lasts 4 days, ending the adventure at Machu Picchu entrance.

One of the main attractions of the route is the network of ancient settlements built by the incas:  Wiñay Wayna y Phuyupatamarca. 


Balance between the nature and the inca's architecture


Live it to the limit

Peru offers you many destinies for an adventure experience. These are some activities you can do during your stay in Peru.








Would you like to try it? Which one do you like the most?

Around Peru

If you are going to travel inside the country, a good way to do it to save money and enjoy the view, it is going by bus. Here, are the best companies: 

Enjoy your trip and leave us some comments about how was it

Transport: the walking tourist

First of all, is common that when you arrive to a foreign country, you will probably ask yoursell : How can i move through the cities, towns, streets and roads? How can i do to not get lost?. In order to avoid these feelings of desorientation, you must read the following advices:



There are many lines of buses that go through the city each day and with a frequency of 5 minutes between them. The cost is aprox. 1 - 1.50 soles. They increase 50% of the tariff on holidays. We got different lines to different destinies. So, we recommend you to visit this website to select the route that you want to take:

Don´t get loose, dude.


Taxis can be very cheap. They don`t use the taximeter, so you can negotiate the price with the driver. We recommend you to call a taxi company. Otherwise, make sure you're taking a taxi which is registered, check that the number plate is painted on the side, and check that the handles and latches are in good condition.

Here we leave some numbers of the principal taxi companies:

Taxi Satelital: +511 3555555
Taxi Remisse: +51991532034 (Available on Whatsapp).


The metropolitano goes through Lima from south to the north. It goes through twelve neighborhoods. To use this service, you need to get a card from the machines that are located at the stations 

Here, it's the central route. 

For more information about the prices, enter to the website http://www.metropolitano.com.pe/


It also goes through Lima from south to the north, passing by downtown Lima. 
For more information about the routes and the prices, enter to the official website: http://www.lineauno.pe/index.php

Can't wait for the summer?

If you want to scape from the cold time in Lima, here are some recommendations:

Los órganos - Piura

Pimentel - Chiclayo

Punta Veleros - Piura

Mancora - Piura

Huanchaco - Trujillo

Souvenirs Markets

Some visitors asked where to but souvenirs of our country. So, in respond of this question, we  will give you some advices.

In parade grounds in Cusco, Arequipa, Trujillo, Chiclayo.
Near rivers and resturants in the jungle.
In souvenir markets in Lima (Miraflores, San Miguel).

Send us a comment asking the exactly address and don´t worry. We will give your all the information.

Pisco, dare to try it!

Pisco is the national drink of Peru. Its unique process of production makes it really special. If come to Peru, you must try drinks made with Pisco. There are several options like:

  • Pisco Sour: It is the main drink of Peru. The national day of the Pisco Sour is the first Sunday of February. The best places in Lima to try it are:

Hotel Maury (Downtown Lima)
Hotel Bolivar (Plaza San Martín)
If you want to make your own drink, here is the recipe :
2 oz pisco, 1/2 oz lemon juice, 1 oz simple syrup and 3 or 4 ice cubes. Beat in a shaker and a glass is served. Serve with a few drops of Angostura bitters and a touch of cinnamon powder.

Here are another ways to drink Pisco:

Malls in Peru

Of course we have malls!
Visit them if you want to go shopping or just having lunch.

The best one in Lima, it is located in Monterrico. Its name is Jockey Plaza. There you can find shops as Zara, Coach, Nike, IStore, Warehouse London, Carolina Herrera, Sally, Crocs, etc.
We recommend you take a lunch in coffees or restaurants such as Tanta, Bodega de la Trattoria, La Folie, Delicass.

The touristic mall is called Larcomar, located in Miraflores It has a great view of your Pacific Ocean.


Aventura Mal Arequipa and Aventura Mall Trujillo.


And you must be asking what music is played in Peru?. But as a pluricultural country, we have a huge diversity of music. In the following lines, we will tell you some genres depending on context:

Discos in Lima


Music: Electronic.Dubstep-Rock-Latin-Pop

Kapital Norte- Kapital Sur- Cohiba- Paraiso

Music: Salsa, Reggaeton, Merengue, Latin, Cumbia.

Combis- Micros 

Music: Salsa, Cumbia, Reggaeton.

Traditional Dances:

Dance: Marinera
Place: Trujillo

Dance: Huayno
Place: Cusco, Ayacucho, Puno.

Dance: La Diablada:
Place: Puno

Dance: Danza de las Tijeras
Place: Ayacucho

Dance: Festejo
Place: Ica

 Dance: Vírgenes del Sol
Place: Loreto, Ucayali, San Martin, Moquegua.

Surf in San Bartolo

At Km 52 of the Panamericana Sur.

martes, 26 de noviembre de 2013

Perol Party in Trujillo

The Perol party, is a tradition in Trujillo, La Libertad. The city of the eternal spring  initiated this party in order to celebrate the day of  national dance. Nowadays, is it considered the most important party of Peru. The main reason of this part was to bring happiness, when people suffered economic crisis. So that, Centenary Ladies Club members decided to organize this unique Freedom Party whose characteristics change over time.

According to organizers of the time, women assistants used to give a flower to a gentleman as a sign of affection, for his part, he offered an economic contribution in the perol, which would serve to meet the needs of the organization of the National Marinera Competition, the traditional dance.

If you want to assit to this party, try to make a trip to Trujillo in January. And ond´t forget to use white clothes, because it is a roule.

Who says Peru has no healthy food?

Hey, if you are worry about losing weight, we give you some advices from peruvian fruits, dishes and vegetables to prepare the perfect diet. Check the list and ask your doctor how to include these potages!

  • Kiwi
  • Granadilla
  • Sauco
  • Tuna

  • Salpicon de Pollo
  • Palta Rellena
  • Dieta de Pollo
  • Estofado de Bacalao
  • Gelatina
  • Gelatina China
  • Chancaca

Some tips for eating these food: Please with granadillas you must eat the seeds, for Estofado de Bacalao: remember it is fish. And what about gelatina?. you will find a lot of varieties, don´t forget to taste strawberry and pineapple flavours.

sábado, 23 de noviembre de 2013

Friendship park

Located in Lima. A beautiful place to spend in Sunday, just for doing different activities such as sailing, footing, taking pictures, walking. There´s also a Museum and a train. Friendship Park features a replica of the Arc de Triomphe in France. A huge edification of seven floors, where by paying only one sol, aprox. 0.25 dollars, you can go uptairs and watch the view.

And how to get there?. Take a bus or taxi to corner between Benavides and Caminos del Inca Avenue in Surco.

jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2013

Culture Mixture

 Chucuito Callao, an imitation of Caminito in Argentina. The common thing between these two neibourhoods is that they received a huge number of foreigners who settle in the place. Especially Italian and Spanish.

Our very well-known Real Felipe fortress has an influence which comes from France. This fortress was built from 1747-1774 and from 1776-1781. In order to protect the coast line from pirates defenses in case of war. The viceroy Pedro Alvarez de Toledo decided that Lima should have walls, especially in its port.

Now, we can visit this fortress with special tours. More information:

Address: Museo del Ejército Fortaleza del Real Felipe Callao.
Telephone: 465-8394 o 429-0532.
Visiting hours: from Tuesdays to Sundays at 9:00 to 16:00 hrs.
Tariffs: Adults USD 1.50 y Scholars: USD 1.00 aprox. Includes guides.

We also have a mixture in sports such as Rowing, Yatching, scuba-diving. aqua-moto. In addition to this, we got space for taking sun and swimming. But, it compare to other beaches, La Punta-Callao has rocks instead of sand, so make sure to take aqua socks for this activity. Don´t worry about urchins and animals, because this sea is too cold for preserving animals near.

And of course, some parks, avenues and houses, maintain a colonial trend. In this case, we are talking about spanish and french arquitecture.

Watch out!