martes, 26 de noviembre de 2013

Who says Peru has no healthy food?

Hey, if you are worry about losing weight, we give you some advices from peruvian fruits, dishes and vegetables to prepare the perfect diet. Check the list and ask your doctor how to include these potages!

  • Kiwi
  • Granadilla
  • Sauco
  • Tuna

  • Salpicon de Pollo
  • Palta Rellena
  • Dieta de Pollo
  • Estofado de Bacalao
  • Gelatina
  • Gelatina China
  • Chancaca

Some tips for eating these food: Please with granadillas you must eat the seeds, for Estofado de Bacalao: remember it is fish. And what about gelatina?. you will find a lot of varieties, don´t forget to taste strawberry and pineapple flavours.

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