miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2013

Transport: the walking tourist

First of all, is common that when you arrive to a foreign country, you will probably ask yoursell : How can i move through the cities, towns, streets and roads? How can i do to not get lost?. In order to avoid these feelings of desorientation, you must read the following advices:



There are many lines of buses that go through the city each day and with a frequency of 5 minutes between them. The cost is aprox. 1 - 1.50 soles. They increase 50% of the tariff on holidays. We got different lines to different destinies. So, we recommend you to visit this website to select the route that you want to take:

Don´t get loose, dude.


Taxis can be very cheap. They don`t use the taximeter, so you can negotiate the price with the driver. We recommend you to call a taxi company. Otherwise, make sure you're taking a taxi which is registered, check that the number plate is painted on the side, and check that the handles and latches are in good condition.

Here we leave some numbers of the principal taxi companies:

Taxi Satelital: +511 3555555
Taxi Remisse: +51991532034 (Available on Whatsapp).


The metropolitano goes through Lima from south to the north. It goes through twelve neighborhoods. To use this service, you need to get a card from the machines that are located at the stations 

Here, it's the central route. 

For more information about the prices, enter to the website http://www.metropolitano.com.pe/


It also goes through Lima from south to the north, passing by downtown Lima. 
For more information about the routes and the prices, enter to the official website: http://www.lineauno.pe/index.php

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