martes, 26 de noviembre de 2013

Perol Party in Trujillo

The Perol party, is a tradition in Trujillo, La Libertad. The city of the eternal spring  initiated this party in order to celebrate the day of  national dance. Nowadays, is it considered the most important party of Peru. The main reason of this part was to bring happiness, when people suffered economic crisis. So that, Centenary Ladies Club members decided to organize this unique Freedom Party whose characteristics change over time.

According to organizers of the time, women assistants used to give a flower to a gentleman as a sign of affection, for his part, he offered an economic contribution in the perol, which would serve to meet the needs of the organization of the National Marinera Competition, the traditional dance.

If you want to assit to this party, try to make a trip to Trujillo in January. And ond´t forget to use white clothes, because it is a roule.

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